Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday Prompt #2

Today Tuesday Sept 2nd 2008 Elasah's prompt is to "look under your couch, grab the first thing you find and get inspired. You can write about it, draw it, photograph it, imagine it, whatever as long as you have fun"

Well I was almost affraid to put my hand under there and pull out whatever it is that was there, but I pulled up the courage and did and this is what I found....

You can click on the image to get a better look. What's under YOUR couch?


Heather said...

Ah, it isn't clickable? Oh well, I LOVE it!

Aunt Kathy said...

You blame the washer when the socks disappear
But the monster under the couch eats them each year
The moral of this story is tuck your socks in your shoe
And hopefully then you'll always have a pair of two